Monday, September 22, 2008

Dating Tips Lesson 6

Be a Friend:There is an important side note to Let women talk and help: Women need good friends. Start to be her understanding friend and she will be grateful and rewarding. She may even introduce you to her other girl-friends

Trust barrier:Women have the fear to "open up" too much. To "invest too much emotions". To be "hurt too easily". That is a barrier you must overcome by making her TRUST you.
Imagine a world where women had more muscles than men and were taller and were known to be more aggressive. Now additionally add the need to have a real friend and the urge to share emotions. I bet in such a world men would build these "trust barriers", too.

Don't touch a Woman:Don't touch. Being touched without having agreed to be touched IS a real turn-off for women. You can spoil everything.

However you can touch her by accident after a certain relaxed atmosphere has been established: While reaching to something, while sitting down...

Moreover you can use "excuses" to touch her, e.g. when slow dancing. Read also Learn how to palm read.

Touching shows her that you are a man. A possible boy-friend. And not one of those too-friendly-nice-guys. Moreover a touch cuts directly thru her social barriers (= bypasses her defense system) and thus is a form of heavy non-verbal communication.